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Monster Hunter Wilds’ Silver Eggs seem like rare and precious items. They only show up infrequently when a specific merchant is at your camp, and they have the vague and mysterious “trade-in item” tag. Despite appearances, though, they don’t actually have a trade function with the village intermediary, and Capcom doesn’t outright say what you use Silver Eggs for.

Our Monster Hunter Wilds Silver Eggs guide explains how to get Silver Eggs and what to do with them once you’ve got some.

Monster Hunter Wilds: How to get Silver Eggs

A shop menu image from Monster Hunter Wilds' support ship

The only way to get Silver Eggs as of Monster Hunter Wilds’ launch version is to purchase them from the Support Ship when it arrives at your base camp. The Support Ship only unlocks after you’ve completed the main story, so you won’t be seeing Silver Eggs until you reach Chapter Four.

The Support Ship has a low chance of stocking Silver Eggs with a selection of other random items. If the Egg is there, it’ll cost you 300 Guild Points to purchase. When Santiago has them in stock, he almost always brings two. 

The Support Ship comes in every three in-game days and stays for three in-game days. If you really need Zenny, you can try to game the system by saving the day before the ship arrives, resting, checking the ship’s stock the next day, re-loading, and trying again. Alternatively, you can force the ship’s arrival by resting until it comes again, but that’ll take 1,800 Guild Points and isn’t really worth it. Some players also report that you can improve your chances of the Support Ship stocking Silver Eggs by buying everything else he has in stock. We haven’t been able to verify this in our experiments, though, and it seems the chance of Santiago stocking Silver Eggs is completely random.

Monster Hunter Wilds: What to do with Silver Eggs?

Wilds calls Silver Eggs a “trade-in item,” but you can’t trade them with anyone. The village intermediary never asks for them, nor does anyone he works with. The only thing you can do with Silver Eggs is sell them for Zenny. One egg is worth 10,000 Zenny, which is a lot, but not enough to worry about spending time trying to farm a lot of Silver Eggs.

For more Monster Hunter Wilds help, check out our achievements and trophies list, and plan ahead with our list outlining what all the decorations and jewels do.

Josh is a freelance writer and reporter who specializes in guides, reviews, and whatever else he can convince someone to commission. You may have seen him on NPR, IGN, Polygon, or VG 24/7 or on Twitter, shouting about Trails. When he isn’t working, you’ll likely find him outside with his Belgian Malinois and Australian Shepherd or curled up with an RPG of some description.

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