Aspire Market Guides

The WHO “Risk
communication and community engagement (RCCE) readiness and response toolkit:
mpox” provides country-level RCCE practitioners, decision-makers and partners a
range of tools and resources to plan and implement readiness and response
activities for mpox.

In July 2022, WHO declared mpox a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC); however, in May 2023 the PHEIC was declared over. Since the beginning of the global outbreak, RCCE has been a core component of Indonesia’s readiness and response efforts, and continues to be strengthened, in alignment with the Ministry of Health and WHO Technical Report on Mpox in Indonesia 2023

The new WHO toolkit
contains information about mpox; RCCE considerations for how to approach key
issues during mpox outbreaks; tools for understanding the context in which mpox
outbreaks occur; methods for collecting data to inform strategy development and
bring evidence into planning and implementation of activities; case studies;
and links to existing RCCE tools and training. It is one of a suite of WHO
toolkits on RCCE readiness and response to a range of disease and response

Download the toolkit here.

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